
Wapsi Fly Tying Starter Kit

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SKU: BUB26346823 Category:


Wapsis goal was to design a kit that focused on giving the starter a positive experience the first time at the vise. To accomplish this goal, we wrote a straightforward book with clear, step-by-step instructions, using materials geared to tie modern fly patterns. We tested our kit by having several focus groups of beginners tie flies with the kits. Their comments and suggestions drove the entire project.

The focus groups taught Wapsi a great deal about writing an instructional fly tying book. We realized that the photographs and text had to be clear and easy to understand. The second edition of the Wapsi Fly Tying Handbook teaches the fundamental techniques to tie any fly and gives detailed step-by-step instructions to tie 17 modern fly patterns. There are two versions of our starter kit, both include the Wapsi Fly Tying Handbook.

Features Include:

  • All tools & materials are included
  • Ties 10 of todays hottest fly patterns
  • Clear, step-by-step instructions


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